
Admission and Discharge Office

The admission and discharge office plays an important role in the information exchange between patients and hospital. Essential information regarding hospitalization is provided. And we gather information in an early stage from the patient. In our activities we give an important role to risk management. We furthermore focus on improving services for patients, and improving the effectiveness of care.

Main Activities

■When admittance is scheduled
We provide and gather the following information.
  • Caution on the risks of making a fall.
  • Walk through the hospitalization questionnaire with patients.
  • Explanation of the schedule during admission.
  • Checking of medication usage.
  • Informing about food restrictions.
At admission
  • The nurse will inquire about the patient’s condition at admission, and checks whether there are any changes.
  • The nurse will check whether the previous given information has been understood.
  • The nurse will check the medication.
  • The clerk assists patients in measuring their weight and height.
  • The clerk explains the usage of the bedside unit.
